A Place For Souls With Holes

​Are you struggling to find peace and understanding?

Have you felt invisible, like you don’t belong, or like the world is indifferent and cruel?

Do experiences of rejection, invalidation, manipulation, and abuse leave you in constant pain?

Are you a kind-hearted person who’s been treated as if you don’t matter, as if your needs and feelings are insignificant or wrong?

Do people make you feel like you’re not good enough, while at the same time, too much? Are you ridiculed or judged when you try to open up and express your feelings?

Have your attempts to talk about past pain or trauma been met with accusations of being too emotional or seeking pity?

Are you tired of hearing “get over it” when you’re just trying to be vulnerable and honest about your past?

Do you feel used, disrespected, and unappreciated despite your kindness and efforts?

Have you felt unloved, unworthy, and overlooked, while others receive love and respect, even when they are abusive or uncaring?

Is it driving you crazy trying to figure out why people treat you this way and why it’s so hard for you to find fair treatment?

Are you fed up with advice that seems to minimize your feelings, like “love yourself first” or “you’re overreacting”?

If these feelings resonate with you, you’re in the right place.

I can help you find the answers you’ve been searching for. It won’t be easy. You’ll need to face painful memories and be brutally honest with yourself. But I promise, it will be worth it. On the other side of this pain is the peace, love, and understanding you deserve.

Before we start this journey together, I need you to make a promise: commit to this process with all your heart, because true change can only happen with complete dedication.

Are you ready to begin?

Newly Released Custom

Therapuetic ChatGPT

At Holey House, we understand that healing from trauma is a deeply personal and often challenging journey. That’s why we’ve created a unique support system tailored just for you. Our custom ChatGPT, the Trauma Healing Advocate, is here to provide you with compassionate, empathetic, confidential, and non-judgmental support as you navigate your path to recovery.

What Can You Expect?

  • Empathetic Conversations: Our Trauma Healing Advocate is designed to engage in warm, supportive, and understanding dialogues, focusing on your experiences without being solution-oriented.
  • Emotional Safety: We prioritize your safety, confidentiality, and respect for your individual experiences, ensuring you feel heard and validated.
  • Gentle Guidance: Encouraging self-care, mindfulness, and gradual progress, our Advocate tailors responses to your emotional state and needs, offering gentle suggestions and comfort.
  • Non-Judgmental Support: Here, your emotions are always valid. We aim to create an environment where you feel safe to express yourself without fear of judgment.

Whether you’re seeking a listening ear, a few words of encouragement, or a safe space to share your feelings, the Trauma Healing Advocate at Holey House is here for you. Together, let’s take one step at a time towards healing and recovery.

About Holey House

Welcome to Holey House, a dedicated space for understanding and healing from trauma. Here, you will find comprehensive information about the symptoms of trauma, its long-term effects on your relationships and life, its connection to mental and physical illness, and valuable resources to aid your healing journey.

Recognizing the signs and symptoms of trauma can be challenging. It may take decades for some to acknowledge the deep impact of trauma, while others may never fully understand its effects on their well-being and relationships.

I know this firsthand. The pain I experienced forced me to confront the reality of trauma’s impact on my life. I had suffered for so long without understanding the root cause of my struggles. Despite knowing something was “wrong,” I couldn’t pinpoint what it was or why I felt so disconnected from others.

I never suspected that trauma was at the core of my issues. I believed I had dealt with and “gotten over” my past experiences. I was in denial about the extent of my problems.

The name “Holey House” symbolizes the soul. We start life with a full and healthy spirit, but as we endure trauma, our soul’s energy is chipped away. Each new injury damages our core, much like a majestic tree being hammered by woodpeckers, turning our once whole soul into something resembling Swiss cheese. Repeated, prolonged trauma transforms what was once holy into something holey.

Many of us try to fill these holes, ignore them, or seek answers in the wrong places. These efforts often lead to further damage.

True healing of a damaged soul requires careful examination of the injury and confronting the lies we have accepted as truth. While having support from friends, family, or a partner is ideal, it’s unfortunately rare to find someone healthy and willing enough to accompany us on this painful journey.

Holey House is my attempt to offer a solution. I hope to share everything I’ve learned on my path to healing, so you can heal more quickly. By understanding the nature of your traumas and their long-term effects, you’ll be better positioned to heal your soul’s holes and find the peace and wholeness you deserve.